I help small & medium sized organizations create a deCarbon Culture to inform, educate and inspire people.

Defining your deCarbon Culture by gaining Carbon Clarity

deCarbon Culture - The Basics

Both programs are seven hours in total and can be run stand-alone or together.

Each training can be delivered in one day or as two half-days.

Want to know more? Let's connect!

Carbon Clarity Part I - Climate Change Fundamentals

Carbon Clarity Part I, empowers individuals and organizations to drive meaningful change, reduce carbon footprints, and create a sustainable future.

  • be familiar with what Greenhouse Gases are and their relationship to climate and weather;
  • appreciate how we know that climates are changing and what the impacts are likely to be;
  • be familiar with how individual and organizational actions affect the amount of greenhouse gases emitted;
  • be able to identify actions that lead to a reduction in personal and organizational greenhouses gases emitted;
  • appreciate the international and national approach to addressing the climate crisis.

Carbon Clarity Part II - Practical GHG Management

Carbon Clarity Part II, Inspire and empower your people to identify, quantify and reduce your organization';s GHG emissions.

  • consider organizational drivers for greenhouse gas management;
  • identify potential co-benefits associated with greenhouse gas reductions;
  • identify sources of emissions within their organization;
  • identify organizational sources of data;
  • be familiar with the WRI Protocol Scope definitions for greenhouse gas emissions;
  • be able to compile a Scoped inventory of greenhouse gases;
  • be familiar with options for measuring greenhouse gases in the organizational inventory;
  • be able to employ a framework to develop greenhouse gas reduction strategies
  • be familiar with how to prioritize greenhouse gas reduction strategies;
  • identify organizational communications channels to engage the workforce;
  • create a working plan to identify, quantify and reduce organizational greenhouse gas emissions.

About me....

My deCarbon Smarts


With twenty-five years of environmental management and reporting in the private and public sectors under his belt, Mark is passionate about sharing his knowledge to help organizations develop their own de-carbon culture and navigate their carbon reduction journey.

Mark is all about clarity and inspiration when delivering training as he wants to get organizations on the path to success. When it comes to the nitty-gritty of carbon inventories, Mark puts away his performance side, engages his deep well of knowledge and data rational self to coach his clients to excellent outcomes.

As an occasional Improviser and frequent photographer, Mark adapts to each client’s circumstances and has a sharp eye for detail. Saying ‘yes, and’ is second nature to Mark.

Credentials and chops

  • Certified Carbon Literate, Carbon Literacy Project
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Decision Making, Open University, UK.
  • ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Measuring Carbon Footprint. Canadian Standards Association.
  • Basics of Organizational GHG Accounting: Greenhouse Gas Management Institute.


An image of a tree stump with a red footprint stamped on the trunk

Create a deCarbon Culture by gaining Carbon Clarity

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